Hey everybody, it’s Black Friday and you know what that means. It’s time to get that special scuba diver in your life some holiday presents. Not sure what to get for your loved one, well TGDP is here to help you spread some holiday cheer. Join us as we go through this new Holiday Gift Guide from the gang over at DeeperBlue.com
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This week the boys get back to the business of diving. We love to get listener email and we love it even more if we can turn it into an episode where we can all take something valuable from the lessons contained therein. This episode is exactly that... we'll take some listener e-mail and talk about the important aspects of learning to dive well and learning how to build trust with your dive partner.
Have a listen! It’s Friday the 13th and the winds are howling, because the November Witch is stealin’. Join the boys as they take another looks at the source of so much of Great Lakes shipwreck diving, the gales of November. When the late Caribbean tropical storms travel north and collide with Arctic storms moving south, they can create a whole new level of hurricane on our inland seas. Dive into the deadly Great Lakes.
Click Here To Start! Ever thought about going pro? The boys continue their discussion about going the instructor route with your diving. What to expect and what should be expected out of a real "pro"!
Have a listen!! |
James & Brando comment on diving in their own, unique way. An original take on SCUBA diving and their shared passion for exploring the underwater world and the diving community. James & Brando