This week the boys examine an article that addresses the increasing dependence on technology in the SCUBA community. Ol' Jamesy and Brando discuss the double edged sword of technology. Often, it can greatly help us do much more and do it faster and more efficiently but it also makes us reliant on it and lends to our complacency. From the individual to the agency, technology has had a huge impact on the way we dive as well as the way we live... but if it's going to remove all risk and do all the work, then what's the f'ing point? Have a listen and find out!
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Have you ever dived a, “Dive of a Lifetime?” What is a dive of a lifetime? Jamesy and Brando have a little bit of free talk about diving the not so glamorous dives. But also, why are some of those dives memorable too. How can you know you just did the dive of a lifetime if you’re still diving?
Click Here To Listen! Two things you never want to hear your dive buddy say are, "Uh, oh...." In today's episode the boys discuss a couple laws of knowledge. Like Brando's Law and the show specific Hoot's Law. Humans make mistakes but it's what happens next that really matters.
Click Here To Listen! What happens when you become one of the irresponsible idiots that you routinely make fun of? Am I talking about 2 divers from this weeks story or the friends and fans that joined us for this Zoom party? You’ll have to listen to find out. We had a lot of fun recording this with you all, but this episode is Explicit and inappropriate at times. All in good Zoom Happy Hour Fun!
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James & Brando comment on diving in their own, unique way. An original take on SCUBA diving and their shared passion for exploring the underwater world and the diving community. James & Brando