As a diver who do you look up to? Your Instructor? A buddy or a mentor? Who do they look up to? Chances are, no matter how good you are or how much experience or levels of certification you have there is always someone you still look up to. Cave diving has a tradition of this mentoring and building experience is favored over getting another card. Join us as we look up to the pros from an apprentice’s perspective.
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They knew it 25 years ago and yet, much has not changed. Can the recreational scuba diving world learn anything from the cave diving world? Tune in to this week's episode as the boys continue their celebration of National Cave Diving Month with a discussion centering around an article from 1995 by PADI's own Karl Shreves when he took his first Cave Diving Course and what he learned from his experience.
Click Here To Listen!! This week the boy's tackle the most divisive topic within the Scuba Community. No matter which side of the aisle your particular mindset has you pitching your tent, we think you'll get a "kick" out of today's episode! We went to the Internet for the idea of tackling this topic and we hope you enjoy....although we know this particular debate will never be "fin-ished". Relax and have a listen!!
Click Here To Listen!! In the year 2020 divers have so many resources to inform them about their amount of remaining gas, however out of airs still happen. Why? Join Jamesy and Brando for this self-addressed stamped episode of TGDP to find the answers.
Click Here To Listen! It’s 2020 and a new year for a new you. Many divers will start off the year with a fitness plan and a fresh awareness of their health. But what is the right fitness level for safe scuba diving? Well, sit back and listen as the two fittest scuba hunks on our show, who have no fitness accreditation to their name, talk to you about breathing, heart rates and yoga.
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James & Brando comment on diving in their own, unique way. An original take on SCUBA diving and their shared passion for exploring the underwater world and the diving community. James & Brando