This interview with cave diver and instructor, Larry Green, is one that will be sure to please divers of all levels. Larry shares many old stories, exciting history and his philosophy of education with James and Brando. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
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Scientists have found that listening to The Great Dive Podcast may or may not reduce your chances of getting the dreaded Coronavirus. However, it may increase your chances of drinking a Corona or three this week... because we head off to Cozumel in a story that has nothing to do with the motherf'ing coronavirus....suck it media.... Join Jamesy & Brando as they celebrate their 3rd year as "professional" (and I use the term loosely) podcasters putting out the weekly edition of The Great Dive Podcast (and they said we wouldn't last...and by "they" I mean we- Brando & Jamesy). It's been a ton of work but even a ton more fun and that is thanks to all of our great listeners and supporters! So thank you! Hang in there folks! Maybe this'll help distract from the constant barrage of doom! Click Here To Listen!! Join your TGDP buddies as they discuss one of Brando's favorite preaching points. Failure Points. How many of these little plastic problems are you wearing?
Click Here To Listen! It's quite a philosophical question that is more appropriate for Yoda to answer than Ol' Jamesy & Brando.... but have a listen as we attempt to break down a story old as time in the scuba world. Listen as the boys examine one diver's experience of a nearly fatal accident and his "takeaway" from that experience.
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James & Brando comment on diving in their own, unique way. An original take on SCUBA diving and their shared passion for exploring the underwater world and the diving community. James & Brando