This is an early look back into the first days of cave diving. A perspective from today and a particularly close look at one of the very first cave dives. Made by candlelight. Join us as we get Gutsy, Ballsy, and little Crazy.
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From Siebe to Scuba, the boys discuss the inventions and disasters all along the way. Self-Contained freedom was a dream for our early underwater adventurers. Hundreds of years and hundreds of inventions made their way into the thinking and refinement of the regulators we use today.
Click Here To Listen! TGDP hits the old history books and brings you a historical look at diving, without the help of any research assistants. Lacking any unpaid interns, the boys had to do it themselves. Grab your big tanks, this is going to be a long dive as we descend a couple thousand years.
Click Here To Listen! The boys get a Happy New Years gift in the mail and then take some time to discuss some Old School Diving Facts. Bridging the gap between the last 25 years, James and Brando have a fun discussion about DCI, Safety Stops, Tables and Dive Computers and a look at the gender issue in diving over the last few decades.
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James & Brando comment on diving in their own, unique way. An original take on SCUBA diving and their shared passion for exploring the underwater world and the diving community. James & Brando