Hop into your hot tub time machines cause were going back in time!!!! We're gonna go back more than thirty years to examine just how we got where we are with diving with regard to the DIR philosophy,and the who, when , where, and how it began!! And to begin with a bang we're discussing The Man himself... The legendary George Irvine III !! This will start a multi part series highlighting the roots of DIR and some of the divers behind it's revolutionary beginnings and influence on the industry and community as a whole... so strap in folks, here we go right into the heart of the enemy of strokery!! This is gonna be a fun and educational ride peeps!!
Click Here To Listen!! Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free Shipping with promo code TGDP at MANSCAPED.com! #ad #manscapedpod The Abyss Coffee Co
This week Tepezcuitnle and Brandito join Sheck on his world record breaking Deep Dive. As we wrap up Ned Deloach’s article we see and can actually feel the pressure that Sheck must have experienced 800 feet underwater in Cuidad Mante.
Click Here To Listen! Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free Shipping with promo code TGDP at MANSCAPED.com! #ad #manscapedpod The Abyss Coffee Co. Have you ever wondered what Tempescuintle is? Are you wondering what it has to do with diving? Well have a listen to this week's episode and you'll find out what it is and what it meant to cave diving legend Sheck Exley as we continue our deep cave dive into with part 4 of our cave series that continues discussing "The Deepest Dive" by Ned DeLoach!
Click Here To Listen!! Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free Shipping with promo code TGDP at MANSCAPED.com! #ad #manscapedpod The Abyss Coffee Co. For the third episode of this year’s Cave Diving Month, the boys continue their look at world famous cave explorer Sheck Exley. In 1988, Sheck and author Ned Deloach made their way 1,500 miles from Live Oak, FL to Cuidad Mante, Mexico to try to reach the bottom of what was thought to be the deepest cave in the world.
Click Here To Listen! Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free Shipping with promo code TGDP at MANSCAPED.com! #ad #manscapedpod The Abyss Coffee Co. |
James & Brando comment on diving in their own, unique way. An original take on SCUBA diving and their shared passion for exploring the underwater world and the diving community. James & Brando