This week the boys continue their deep dive into the history of cave diving in Jolly Olde England. From the mid 1930's our mates across the pond began exploring the sumps of Mendip Hills in England and up to this day continue to "push the envelope" in cave diving.
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It is the start of International Cave Diving Month and the boys make a trip across the pond to Jolly Ol’ England. This episode takes us on what may be considered the very first cave dive in the UK. In 1934, Graham Balcombe and Jack Sheppard became cave divers. Join Jamesy and Brando as they revisit this exciting tale of adventure and mystery, and homemade cave diving gear.
Click Here To Listen! This week the boys discuss an incident that occurred 15 years ago when 2 US Coast Guard divers died while ice diving in Antarctica. Trained by the US Navy but with little experience and an under appreciation for the essentials of diving, the operation illustrates a lot of what we preach from the pulpit of the church of TGDP.
Click Here To Listen!! The boys start off 2022 with an old school TGDP classic. Originally an article written in the UK and published in Watersport Magazine back in the 1960’s, this week talks about learning to scuba dive for the not-so-young. Even 50 years ago we were looking for ways to break away from the work-a-day world and the sport of scuba diving was gaining attention. We look at this diver’s perspective of taking a quick class back then and how it hasn’t changed much. Brando describes learning to dive as being like a loving relationship and compares it with a one-night-stand.
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James & Brando comment on diving in their own, unique way. An original take on SCUBA diving and their shared passion for exploring the underwater world and the diving community. James & Brando